HCG is an abbreviation for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin which is a substance that is naturally found in a woman’s body during pregnancy in very large quantities. During pregnancy, the hormone allows the body to metabolize fat and use it as energy for both the mother and the fetus. However, for weight loss, only very small doses of HCG are used to help burn off excess stored fat while protecting the patient’s muscles and bones. It releases stored fats that are often the most difficult to metabolize through diet and exercise. Using HCG for weight loss is safe for both men and women and does not have any adverse effects.

Unlike other “diets”, this program reshapes and re-sculpts the body by releasing the excess/stored fat deposits on your body. If you follow this program correctly and faithfully, this unique process will reset your hypothalamus and metabolism potentially making your results sustainable!

It is also important to note that with our program is that when you have dropped 20 pounds, you have probably lost 20 pounds of abnormal fat.

Whereas with other diets, when you lose 20 lbs. you could be losing 10 pounds of lean body mass, 5 pounds of good fat reserves, and 5 pounds of abnormal fat. It targets only the abnormal fat

What’s great about the HCG Weight Loss program is that it rebalances your metabolism so it is much easier to keep the weight off once you complete the diet. Also, once you have completed the 30 day program and have rebalanced your metabolism, you can enjoy many delicious foods in moderation.