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What to know about sclerotherapy

By October 12, 2016 No Comments

Pre- Treatment Information

You should bring a pair of loose fitting shorts with you to each visit.
You will be measured for compression stockings before or on the day of your appointment. Once you receive your compression stockings, bring them with you to each visit.
Do not wear any lotions or other cosmetics on your legs on the day of your appointment. Do not shave your legs the morning of your appointment.
Do not tan or use bottled tanning lotions 2 weeks before or after your treatment.

Be Patient with Your Body.

Spider veins take an average of 3-5 treatments spaced at least 4 weeks apart. The number of treatments may vary depending on your situation.
Your veins will look worse before they look better.
Discoloration varies from patient to patient, and may take weeks to months to fade completely.

After Sclerotherapy/ Laser Treatment

The veins will look worse before they look better. Discoloration may take a few weeks to several months to fade depending on your body’s ability to reabsorb the iron in treated vessels.

Bruising, redness, local swelling and some tenderness are normal after treatment. These symptoms may take 3-5 weeks or longer to fade; but if you have any questions please feel free to contact the office.

If there is tenderness in treated areas, you may take either take Motrin or Aleve (according to package recommended dosage) to help with any discomfort. If the pain persists call the office.

Keep the compression hose on constantly for 48 hours. After the 48 hours you may remove the compression stockings and dressings, and shower.

Wear the support hose continuously for 2 weeks after your treatment, except when showering and at bedtime.

The use of public swimming pools, tanning beds and hot tubs are not permitted for 2 weeks.

You may resume normal activities today. You may resume exercising in 3 days (no weights with legs for 2 weeks).

Schedule your next follow up visit in 4-6 weeks.


Author JativaMD

The key to longevity is behavior. Dr. David Jativa believes this should be the norm, not the exception to the rule of aging. If you feel good, are in a good mood, have good energy, have good mental capacity, enjoy a good sexual life, have a good physique, your body is doing well, too.

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